MOO News issue II - Winter 2025

A woman is covering a statue of a cow and other MOOseum exhibits in plastic.

From the President...

Welcome to the King Barn Dairy Newsletter, MOO News.

The King Barn exhibits have been covered for the winter. Although no visitors are currently touring the barn, this is the season that folks are arranging for spring group tours. Please be in touch to make arrangements for your group. 

In this issue, we thought it would be interesting to share with you how the Map & Research Committee identifies where past MoCo dairy farms existed. A big thank you to members Bill Duvall, Shelley Herron, Rich Rowe, and Chris & Howard Williams for your dedicated work.

Please encourage your like-minded friends, to sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of Moo's website. Also, let us know topics you would like to learn more about by sending us an email. After all, our mission is to share with you all the rich dairy history of MoCo.

- Peg Donnellan

Calendar 1st Quarter 2025

Interested in scheduling spring and summer 2025 group visits? 
Please use the contact info below to send an email with your request.

The 2025 Season Opening Date will be Saturday, May 3rd!

King Barn Dairy MOOseum 2025 Opening Day

SATURDAY, May 3, 2025 at 10 am


Finding Dairy Farms

Research for MOOseum MOOMap

The MOOMap currently has 609 recognized dairy farms, 19 creamery locations and 13 replacement (raising heifers) farms in Montgomery County from 1900 to date located on one premise.  

So how did we find the locations and businesses?  The most significant source is from the Chronicling America Website, which has search selections selected from the Washington, DC and Maryland Newspapers, particularly the Montgomery Sentinel.  The search queries are based on dairy, milch, Montgomery County and sale ads options. 

Prior to 1945, milch was used as a name for dairy cow that were already or will soon be ready to be milked.  If the sales ad was not already found as a known dairy, the MOOMap team would do further research on names and locations found from the sales advertisements.  The names and locations are confirmed in a 1955 Montgomery County Tax Map, Klinge Map and Baist Map location of owners. Names are also searched on the MDLANDREC website.

Detailed Research  To Confirm Dairy Farms

The Maryland Virginia Milk Association (MD-VA) records, which were recently acquired, also help to confirm the years the dairy farmer shipped milk. The Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) also posted monthly lists of member producers in the Frederick Post archives. The Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) also has provided information for dairy farm locations. Census information found in the Ancestry website also has helped to confirm individuals who identified themselves as dairy farmers.

For example, a sales advertisement for a dairy farm from 1920 was discovered in the Washington Times and location of the farm was found on the 1918 Baist Map.  The dairy farmer was also confirmed on the MD-VA list.

We invite you to explore the MOOseum and encourage those interested to come and visit us during our open season, which runs from May to October annually. For the latest details on special events, please check our  website.

August 27, 2024
From the President... Welcome to the NEW King Barn Dairy Newsletter, MOO News. Over the course of time, this newsletter will share with readers information about the exhibits in the MOOseum, the history of dairy farms and farmers, and any current events or happenings in and around the MOOseum. Please encourage your like-minded friends, to sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the home page on the MOO’s website. Also, let us know topics you would like to learn more about by sending us an email . After all, our mission is to share with you all the rich dairy history of MoCo.
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